As I laid in bed one night a passage in the Bible came to mind. "Matthew 25:29 29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. .........’ (NLT)"
This particular passage has struck a cord with in me. As I read the passage I gave thought to every word, as my heart started to have palpation's. "" To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance"". As a well developed Nation, many of us do not take advantage of all the opportunities our country has to offer. It seems we live in a throw away society, where new fads come and go, not one thought is given as to where or how these products came to be. Have you ever consider how much fuel it took to get that product into your possession. Or if some underpaid worker in a sweat shop worked for pennies somewhere in or outside of the United States to fill our consumer needs. We have gone from the wall mounted telephone to the smart cellular phones and have become a slave to our very own technology, I can't remember when I last saw children playing stick ball, jump rope, or tag on the street. They are all plug into an I-pad, I-phone, Wii, Xbox, or what ever web connection they can hook up to. Nevertheless, the faster our technology gets the more we depend on fossil fuels not once giving a caring thought as to how or where we get the fuel, or who gets hurt in the process as long as it's not us!.
If we don't start making serious changes in our life style we will no longer be a nation of abundance but a nation in need.. I understand that change doesn't happen overnight, and believe me I try to do my part. I have gone as far as to simply changing all of the light bulbs in our home to compact florencent bulbs. With the understanding as I installed the compact florencent bulbs I would be saving money in the long run, also lowering my energy consumption, and my carbon foot print. But wait, here's the slap in the face, just as I changed the last bulb, here comes my utility company claiming that because everyone is changing to compact florescent bulbs they are raising their rates in order to recoup their financial loses in revenue because we were consuming less energy. Yes, I was using less energy, and yes I lowered my carbon foot print, however, now I was paying more for it!!!!!!! I was under the impression that the idea was to use less and save more. This was like being slapped in the face for being efficient . But yet I did nothing, I took this with as a grain of salt tossed it over my shoulders as said to myself, "you can't win". So I turned my focus to conserving water with the inclination that I might see some savings in my water bill too, so I went a head and changed my toilet to one of those new fancy energy efficient toilet that uses as little water as possible to do the same nasty job. Well guess what happened next, the water department raised their rates as well, I can't remember what was said to justify their increase, if you ask me, it was a monetary decision on their part. And yet again I did nothing, excepting the fact that this is the way things go. Then I recalled the second line in this passage ""But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away""..
Well guess what, I am tired of doing nothing, because doing nothing is costing not only me $$$, but also this Nation, The National Debt is much to high, our country is living way beyond it's means. I refuse to let them take what little I am not against technology, I am all for it, I am just pro sustainability! We are a Nation of think tanks, we have far better uses for our technologies and resources. The time of doing nothing must come to an end!!!!!!!!!! LETTUCE BEE SUSTAINABLE!
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