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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sustaining a Heathly Rose Shrub.

     I have been asked by few coworkers as to when do I  prune my rosesTo be honest I wait until the first hard frost of the season. I am located up north, right around zone 6, therefore I wait until about  January, or February to do any type of hard prunes.  When the tempeatures get to about 32 degrees and below, I prune my roses hard to at least two feet off the grown.  You might feel that this is a bit harsh, however, it was a lesson I had to learn the hard way.  In the winter of 2009 I was contemplating pruning a rose shrub in my front garden call  Golden Showers, but never did  get around to  doing it, fearing that if I did prune it, I would destroy it.  That  very winter of  2009 we had a severe snow storm that piled three feet of snow on that very shrub.  The weight of all that snow snapped the canes of this rose shrub and it never recovered from its damaged canes.   Lesson learned, choosing to prune will have far better out comes then choosing not to when  harsh winters are in the forecast.  Once pruned, two feet off the ground, they will be covered by snow insulating them from harsh drying wind of winter. Since then I have pruned my roses hard every winter, and each spring my roses have responded by coming back with vengeance. 
Pruning is a necessary part in maintaining  healthy rose shrub. Throughout the growing season it is necessary  to prune lightly right after they are finished blooming. This process of removing spent blossoms is called dead heading.  Pruning stimulates growth, this will allow your roses to send out side shoots, which will usually be in odd number of 3 and 5 allowing for a more bushier more compact look to your shrub. So when you decide to prune think about the following.
  • Are you removing any and all deadwood,examining canes for canker, always clean your shears between pruning. 
  • Anywhere on the shrub where canes cross, touch or grow inward should be removed.
  • Remove old wood or weak spindly growth.
  • Cut back canes so that they may reach a suitable thickness to support itself or large amounts of blossoms.
  • Always prune to shape your rose shrub and to maintain good air circulation.
  • Lastly if a rose looks unsightly because of older canes do not hesitate to prune hard. Remember pruning stimulates growth,  so prune hard, fertilize sit back grab a lemond aid and watch your roses grow.
Blackspot on Rose Leaves.
     My second reason for pruning is black spot.  Rose plants which are infected will begin to show signs on their lower leaves.   Look for dark circles of brownish or black spots. Eventually the leaves will begin to yellow and then drop off. A plant with severe black spot infestation will drop all its leaves in just a matter of weeks. In order to control black spot disease you need to understand its method of transmission, it is a spore and it is spread by rain  or by simple irrigation onto uninfected leaves. Or by simply not cleaning your shears between pruning. Black spot spreads quickly in wet or humid conditions, warm weather creates the ideal conditions for it to spread.. In order to control an outbreak of Black spot pruning to maintain proper air follow and allowing foliage to dry quickly between watering is key. The latter part is a little more difficult because we can not physically control the weather when it calls for rain. Mother Nature will have her way, your shrubs are sure to get their leaves wet. Nevertheless, if you have pruned your roses properly establishing good air circulation enabling the rain water to dry off quickly, you have accomplished the first step in controlling the spread of spores . Remove any leaves that show signs of black spot and remembering to disinfect shears after using them on any plant. Never compost leaves that are infected with black spot spores, this a sure fire way of spreading it. Don't fret if you find yourself a little over whelmed by this, there are products available at your nursery or local box stores which are sulfur based fungicides that work well at controlling these outbreaks. However, always read the directions when using chemicals even if they claim it to be safe for the environment. The protection of your environment and the local eco system begins with you.
     As I pick up my shears and make a bee line over to the roses, I stand in amazement at the beauty of a rose.  Knowing that choosing to prune will only enhance its beauty.  As I move forward with shears in hand,  humming a  familiar tune, like the Pied Piper of  roses....."Lettuce Bee Sustainable with Our Rose Shrubs Too".

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sustainable Real Estate.

The by product of Sustainability.
     How far can the boundaries of sustainability be applied.  When I decided to move two years ago, I had a few things on the wish list for the new property.  First of all it could not be new, I wasn't looking for new construction, not that their is any wrong with new construction.  I was just in the market for a property with a little bit of  history to it.  I have a love for old things. I just wanted something a little more challenging.  I want to know if it were possible to save an other wise train wreck of a property and transform it into a self sustaining livable home.  It had to have a considerable amount of green space, front, side and backyard space that lends itself to be transformed into a sustainable garden.  A place where fruit trees and vegetables could be grown.  Not to mention it had to face south. In this direction it would be possible  to  maximize the suns rays when I finally install the solar panels and solar water heater.  Lastly it had to be within the five boroughs of New York City, I am not quiet ready to break away from the bright lights of city life.

     I could not believe that this place existed, I purchased my dream house and my wife's nightmare. It is everything  I was looking for.  It met all of the requirements and much more.  I don't know how I managed to convince the owner to sell to me, he must of felt my enthusiasm, knowing deep down inside I want to take this home to a whole new level.  The realtor, had mentioned to me that this particular seller had turned down multiple offers, therefore I should not keep my hopes up and not expect much.  She went on to explain that because of the size of the property local land developers had made mulitipal offers. They're interest in the property was only to tear the house down and subdivide into two equal  lots making allowing for two much smaller homes.  This is not what the seller wanted for the future of this property. During my first tour of the home with the owner, which lasted about an hour, I explained to the seller what I was trying to accomplish with the property such as the one he was selling and he loved my ideas.  As luck would have it, he agreed to sell to me!  I had just accomplished my first goal towards sustainability.  I saved an other wise doomed home. One which would have been be torn down to make way for smaller housing.  Had this happen it would have altered the look and feel of this neighbor.  As I think back I imagine all the wood and debre I saved from going into a land fill just by buying this older home.  The Planet just thanked me. Your welcome!

     Right after purchasing this home, I started making changes to it making it more energy efficient. Allowing me to  move in the direction of a sustainable life style and the beginning of my social experiment.  I changed light fixtures, light bulbs, water fixtures, toilets and installed a rain barrel on the down spouts to collect rain water for the garden.  I decided to build growing beds and establish a vegetable garden, growing as much as I could that very summer.  However, I felt that there was something missing in the garden.  I felt the need  for movement within the garden itself, the feeling of something alive. As I thought about sustainability and the over all look and feel I wanted to give this vintage home, a bit of nostalgia set in. I thought about the individuals who had built this home in 1809.  I thought about the livestock which they might have raised on this very property.  Then I thought about bringing it full circle, what if I could  be able to raise some sort of livestock within the city limits that would provide some sort of protein.  I decided on chickens. They seemed small enough, and provided protein in the form of eggs.  I located a women here on the island which hatched chickens every spring. After a few conversations with her, she brought me up to speed on do's and don't of backyard chickens.  I felt having chickens complimented the sustainable life style, therefore, I went a head and built a chicken coop and acquired my first set of chicks.

     These ladies are all grown up now. I  currently have 5 egg laying hen's that act as my weed and pest control squad without the use of pesticides or herbicides.  I provide them with room and board, food and water and they reward me freshly laid eggs.  What could be more sustainable than pets that give something a back.  These hens also provide fertilizer, in the form of chicken manure. I incorporate the manure into my compost bin for later use on my vegetable beds.  Its a win, win situation. It has been a learning experience, I had to learn the art of poultry management, understand the proper diet which is required for egg laying hens in order to maximize their egg laying abilities.  Finding a source for quality chicken feed required some searching.  Also getting to know the city codes in regards to having chickens within the city limits.  However, I do believe I have started a trend, now two of my neighbors have acquired chicken too.   I think this sustainability concept is catching on.

     As far as my plans for this property go, the list is large! How far I get will be my journey into a sustainable life style and my personnel social experiment.  The wish list goes as follows:
  • Solar panels on the roof along with a solar water heater.
  • A Geo Thermal heating and cooling system.  
  • A Wind Turbine to supplement the solar power.
  • Gray water capability.
  • An Omega Garden for year round growing of vegetables indoors.(One out of this world Growing room!)   
     It seems to me that as urban dwellers we work ever so hard to make a living.  Why not are homes too, it seems the homes of tomorrow will have to work just as hard for us in order to be as efficient as we are.  Will I get to accomplish all these things on my wish list, well I am going to find out.  Welcome to my sustainable journey....I will keep you posted for this will be a work in progress.  The next time you find yourself in the market for a home, and you have a love for the country life within the city limits, try looking for a fixer upper which can be transformed into an urban farm.  Many older neighbors have larger lots and make for a more beautiful neighborhood when lawn are transformed into vegetable beds.  When the need for picking fruit will only require a trip to your backyard. As our Urban landscape go from cookie cutter architecture to Urban agriculture with the ability to be self sustainable.
      As I raise my face to feel the warmth of the sun, I smile and whisper to the four corner's of the Earth, "LETTUCE BEE SUSTAINABLE" , with Real estate!

My pest control squad.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Aisles of Sustainablilty.

In my last blog I mentioned I would from time to time link organizations which obtain high standards in the level of sustainability for the betterment of the environment and inhabitants with in its local surrounding. When wrote that blog page I didn't think I would be writing about a Big Box stores. Thou it seems  a great many of the Big Box Retail Giants are jumping on the Environmental band wagon.
Business practices are changing, many corporations are finding the concept of sustainability is becoming a far more profitable way of doing business.  Consumers are demanding more and more organizations to be environmentally friendly within their communities and the ecosystem in which these companies decide to set up shop.
It seems many of these retail giants have forged there own philosophies when it comes to sustainability. I would copy and past them here but it would be infringing upon their copyright status, so your going to have to look it up yourself.   I have gotten to know many of my local box stores more deeply I have done some research on local  retail giant near my home,  I can't name them on this post their funny that way.  However, believe me when I say if they had given me permisson to list them they would and have earned their place on my on my blog page, with the changes they have made and continue to make, they have set the standards for a Sustainable businesses. These retail giants fits all the criteria for being Eco friendly and Sustainable. If you would like to know if  a box store in your area is a Sustainable  and Eco friendly establishement look for the LEED rating. This will tell you how Eco friendly your that particular branch has become. This is the industry standard of measuring how integrated a particular organization is to the ecosystems in its surrounding, by incorporating the best technologies and innovations in the industry. Therefore, having the least amount of impact on the ecosystems, yet creating job growth , and supporting the heart beat of a community in which they operate. It is really about a mutual respect for the environment, and for its community. However encompassing the natural laws in nature with technological laws of our new age gagits and forging a workable interaction between  both the envoriment and the retail stores is no easy task.  How far will these boundaries be pushed, only we can decide. By showing our support to the retail giants that are setting the standards of a sustainable living, and knowing each of us has the power to make the difference on how these Big Retail Giants operated in our communities. By choosing to be a selective shoppers and only buying items that have been deemed sustainable, is in part swaying these large corporations to restructure how they do business. I believe Kermit the Frog said it best, " It's not easy being Green". But many large box stores are sure making it look easy. With their new line of organic food products, they are now offering more recycle products, and re- purposed product lines, with these types of changes they are truly become  innovators in the green business. But it is not only what  they are selling in their aisles that is impressive. It is all work they are doing behind the scene which has me so excited. They have maximized their efficiency in lighting throughout the stores , incorporating a green roof, which reduces heat, and lowers carbon emissions, even their landscaping which surround their stores are Eco friendly. Better yet, the changes they have done within their administrative offices as well. The products they have chosen to furnish their offices spaces are made from sustainable sources, now that's what I am talking about.!.
Lets hear it for the  Box Stores for being green, Hip, Hip, Hoary !!!!!!!!  So I have to give  thanks  to these retail giants on their  commitment to Sustainability.   I can truly hold my head up high when shopping at a local Eco Friendly Box Store as I run through the shopping aisles shouting, "LETTUCE BEE SUSTAINABLE"

Friday, May 13, 2011

A More Sustainable You.

As I examine my life and the choices I've made, I find myself steering towards a more sustainable way of living. Yet, I have asked myself what does sustainability mean to me? Sustainability is defined as having the capacity to endure or to conserve . For you and I this means that sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of wellness in one's self, which would include the environmental, economic, and social factors.
So sustainability maybe in the form of living a heather life style,  a wellness program, eating raw foods, taking vitamins supplements, avoiding processed foods and maintaining an active life style. It could also be achieving and maintaining financial wellness and taking control of your debt. Not living outside your means, and saving for the future. However a more radical approach to sustainability would be creating sustainability within your current career. By mastering your trade, and by obtaining your BS, or your Master's degree, this is proactive approach in keeping yourself current with in your job trade maintaining sustainability.  I have many professional  friends and coworkers that keep themselves sustainable by going back to the University and acquiring a higher degree or a speciality. Or it could be as simple as taking what you already have in your possession, whether it be job experience or a plot of land, and using it in the most efficient way possible for the betterment of YOU and those around you. If you have a parcel of land, try growing your own vegetables. Even if you don't have a yard, and you live in an apartment, then may you have access to a balcony or a roof top, in which case growing in containers would be a better option, However always ask permission of your landlord, co-op board before you do, of course.  Nevertheless, if you do not have neither the yard or the rooftop, then a small space in a designated area of  a room where a hydroponic system can be placed, in which case the growing of vegetables can be sustained year round.  The point I am making here is, there is really no excuse as to why you can't be more sustainable in your life. No matter what your social status, whether you're a Lawyer, a Doctor, a Nurse, the Gardener, mail clerk, a teacher, or the taxi driver, the choices we make today, dictate the life we lead tomorrow.
For example I own an older  model 4WD  car, thou I would love to have one of those new hybrid models, but for now that is not in the cards. I have other projects that need to be green before my car is. But that doesn't mean that I have to ignore the things that can make my vehicle more efficient. Like keeping up with my cars maintenance, making sure I regularly change all the fluids, rotate its tires, always making sure my vehicle is performing at its top efficiency to maximize my gas mileage. I also  make sure my AAA membership is up to date so I can reap all the benefits of being a member. Scouring for coupons from your local paper for Pep Boy's and Shell Stations for car maintenance discounts is a sure fire way of conserving some dough. Find the area in your life in which you feel needs improvement, whether it be educational, work that's has to be done around the home, or your finances, see what needs to be improved upon and maximize its potential, and make it sustainable for you.  It is also about being an educated consumer, understanding that the choices in the products we buy have and environmental and economic impact. So when purchasing green produce  try to keep it local. So that in this way we are supporting our local farmers and keeping them in business, second we can help our community thrive by supporting our local economy, and third not contributing to the destruction of any natural habitats or rain forests somewhere around the world for our own selfish needs.
So with that being said, I have compiled a list of sites that I feel have the greats impact for individuals moving towards a more sustainable and healthier self. I have listed them on my link page either because I have used them personally, or someone close to me has used their services and have found these sites to be helpful as step towards sustainability. Please feel free to review them, tell me what you think. I chosen these organization because I feel they are on to the verge of some thing bigger than I can imagine, these are the kind of sustainable organizations that need to be supported for the betterment of mankind and the earth in general. Some are non for profit, others are for profit, but all the organizations listed are for a more sustainable you.
   Yell it from the rooftops, Lettuce Bee Sustainable!!!

The time for doing nothing must end!

As I laid in bed one night a passage in the Bible came to mind. "Matthew 25:29 29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. ......... (NLT)"
This particular passage has struck a cord with in me. As I read the passage I gave thought to every word, as my heart started to have palpation's. "" To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance"".  As a well developed Nation, many of us do not take advantage of all the opportunities our country has to offer. It seems we live in a throw away society, where new fads come and go, not one thought is given as to where or how these products came to be. Have you ever consider how much fuel it took to get that product into your possession. Or if some underpaid worker in a sweat shop worked for pennies somewhere in or outside of the United States to fill our consumer needs. We have gone from the wall mounted telephone to the smart cellular phones and have become a slave to our very own technology, I can't remember when I last saw children playing stick ball, jump rope, or tag on the street. They are all plug into an I-pad, I-phone, Wii, Xbox, or what ever web connection they can hook up to. Nevertheless, the faster our technology gets the more we depend on fossil fuels not once giving a caring thought as to how or where we get the fuel, or who gets hurt in the process as long as it's not us!.
If we don't start making serious changes in our life style we will no longer be a nation of abundance but a nation in need.. I understand that change doesn't happen overnight, and believe me I try to do my part. I have gone as far as to simply changing all of the light bulbs in our home to compact florencent bulbs. With the understanding as I installed the compact florencent bulbs I would be saving money in the long run, also lowering my energy consumption, and my carbon foot print. But wait, here's the slap in the face, just as I changed the last bulb, here comes my utility company claiming that because everyone is changing to compact florescent bulbs they are raising their rates in order to recoup their financial loses in revenue because we were consuming less energy. Yes, I was using less energy, and yes I lowered my carbon foot print, however, now I was paying more for it!!!!!!! I was under the impression that the idea was to use less and save more. This was like being slapped in the face for being efficient . But yet I did nothing, I took this with as a grain of salt tossed it over my shoulders as said to myself, "you can't win". So I turned my focus to conserving water with the inclination that I might see some savings in my water bill too, so I went a head and changed my toilet to one of those new fancy energy efficient toilet that uses as little water as possible to do the same nasty job. Well guess what happened next, the water department raised their rates as well, I can't remember what was said to justify their increase, if you ask me, it was a monetary decision on their part. And yet again I did nothing, excepting the fact that this is the way things go. Then I recalled the second line in this passage ""But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away""..
     Well guess what, I am tired of doing nothing, because doing nothing is costing not only me $$$, but also this Nation, The National Debt is much to high, our country is living way beyond it's means. I refuse to let them take what little I am not against technology, I am all for it, I am just pro sustainability! We are a Nation of think tanks, we have far better uses for our technologies and resources. The time of doing nothing must come to an end!!!!!!!!!! LETTUCE BEE SUSTAINABLE!